
Thank you for using Rentola. Rentola is one of the smartest housing portals in the market. Rentola is a part of Boost Media Limited with a main focus on the real estate market, including housing and marketing of housing for rent. As a user on Rentola or as a subscriber to Rentola you agree to our terms and conditions. The website, ads and content as well as subscription services have been made available to you by Boost Media Limited, 112c High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5EL Ipswich, United Kingdom, Company number: 14229923, VAT: GB 436679944


You can create a home search agent, home ads or a subscription at Rentola. Under the relevant categories and areas, you agree to refrain from doing the following:

You agree that violation of the above will result in immediate removal of your ad, search agent and profile on Rentola.

Right of Revocation

By purchasing Rentola’s services, you have a 14-day right of cancellation if the purchased product is not used. When creating a user and making a purchase, the purchased product is put into service and therefore considered used.

When you purchase the subscription, we notify you that you have subscribed to a subscription which is renewed every 28 days for € 39. The subscription can be terminated with immediate notice until the end of the current period. We will not refund any amounts paid unless there is a technical error. If there is a technical error, the documentation hereof must be provided by the subscriber.

Abuse of Rentola

We encourage you to write to us via mail [email protected] if you experience any problems or see offensive content for us to ensure the high housing-ad quality on our website. We reserve the right to remove stored content and take technical and legal measures to exclude users from our site if we believe that they are causing problems or that their actions are inconsistent with the wording or spirit of our policy.

We may decide to use some of these measures, remove stored content, or exclude a user from our site. Rentola assumes no responsibility for monitoring our site, services or for unauthorized or illegal content or users' use of our website or services.

Distribution of your housing-ad

Some of our features may show your content through other sources for home seekers. Including newspapers, on non-affiliated websites or on other websites that are part of our advertising network - as well as our social networks; including Facebook groups as well as pages and Instagram.

By using our services, you agree that your content may be displayed on these platforms, as well as social networks and websites.

Content rights

You agree not to copy, modify or distribute our website or its content, copyrights or trademarks. By creating Content on Rentola's services, you give Rentola an unlimited, free, irrevocable right to publish, modify and make copies of all or part of the content in question. Included are data, text and images. Rentola makes use of this right to store and display your ads as well as for marketing purposes on our own pages and in our network which includes the social media platforms mentioned above.

Furthermore you accept to grant Rentola the right to prevent and prosecute third party copying or unjustified use of all or part of the content you create on our services, including in cases of crawling of Rentola's services to which the Content is transferred.

Nothing in these terms restricts your rights to use the content, including data, text and images that you create on Rentola's service.


Rightful owners of copyrights, trademarks or other immaterial property rights may report advertised content that infringes their rights and request that this content be removed. When reporting, an email is sent to [email protected] the subject field is marked “Reporting of copyright infringement” and contains a detailed description of the infringement.

Prices and payments

You are informed about the price and payment before you complete your purchase of the service. Your subscription with Rentola costs € 1 for the first 7 days. Subsequently, € 39 is charged, and the subscription is paid every 28 days.

Our prices are quoted in EUR and these may change from time to time. Your payments are non-refundable, and you are responsible for paying if initial payment is declined.

Bank information
Reg. no: 2360
Account no: 0729357243
Account name: Driftskonto
IBAN: DK2820000729357243


Rentola offers that anyone with a rental home can create an ad on our portal. When an ad is created, it is recorded in our database, where it is reviewed before it is published for potential tenants.

Search Agent

All home seekers can create a free search agent here.

The subscription

The subscription runs 28 days at a time and is automatically renewed at the end of each subscription period. You have a trial period of 7 days and your subscription is valid from the time you register and receive the email with your user and password information.

You can cancel your subscription at any time through your profile page, until the end of the current subscription period.

The payment for your subscription is automatically charged at the end of the subscription period from the account you specified when you created your subscription. You will not receive an email notifying you of the charge.


Contact [email protected] immediately if you suspect that your email address or password for Rentola has been abused.

Unsubscribe from your account

You can close your Rentola account at any time without further notice. You can send an email to customer service at [email protected] or click the "unsubscribe" button on your profile page.

You can unsubscribe at any time. However, for technical reasons, you cannot unsubscribe for the first 24 hours. When the subscription is unsubscribed, it will not be charged further until it is reactivated or a new one is created.

Responsibility for content creation

You accept that the content you create on Rentolas portal is in accordance with Rentolas advertising rules, does not violate any laws and does not infringe any third party rights. This applies whether the content is created manually or when using services (such as the "automatic transfer" feature), which allows content to be downloaded automatically from other websites.

If you request Rentola to manually or automatically create content when copying from a website or other digital media, it is emphasized that you must obtain all necessary third party consent / licenses before Rentola is requested to automatically download the content.

Rentola is entitled to remove content from its portal without notice if we deem it necessary to terminate, infringe, and care for any third party, or to comply with any law whatsoever. Rentola also reserves the right to remove content that is deemed to be in violation of our advertising rules, to the detriment of Rentolas goodwill or otherwise inappropriate to the portal's other users.

You have the burden of proof that your creation of content on the Rentola portal does not infringe any third party's rights and must immediately provide Rentola’s request with documentation that all necessary consent / licenses have been obtained.

Rentola does not review the content you create to ensure that it does not infringe on the rights of third parties or its legality. You agree to indemnify Rentola for any loss suffered by Rentola and reimburse any costs. Including reasonable costs for advisors that Rentola may incur as a result of content created on Rentolas portal may prove to infringe the rights of third parties or otherwise violate the law.

Personal Information

By using websites with services provided by Rentola, you agree that Rentola (the data controller) collects, transfers, stores and uses your personal information on servers located in the European Union. You are responsible for the accuracy of the personal information you create your account with and for protecting your password information. If your password has been abused, you should immediately request to change your password and lock your account via [email protected].

In General

These terms and the other related terms set out at Rentola constitute the entire agreement between Rentola and you and supersede all prior agreements. Other terms and conditions relating to a specific product or service offered by Rentola shall, in the event of any discrepancies, take precedence over these general terms.

This agreement is governed by local laws. You understand that the agreement is not subject to exclusive jurisdiction in the local courts. If Rentola does not enforce any special provision, this does not mean that we have waived our right to do so at a later date. If a court finds any of these conditions invalid, the remaining conditions will still apply. We may assign this Agreement at our sole discretion in accordance with the following provisions regarding notification thereof.

We will send messages to you via the email address you specify.

Changes to Terms

Rentola is constantly developing. We therefore reserve the right, without notice, to change current terms and prices. These terms are last updated August 2020.